Ten Tips For Dumping An RV Septic Tank in Boise, ID

With the weather slowly beginning to warm up, our friends and neighbors here in Idaho are beginning to break out the sleeping bags and bear spray and making sure their camping and adventuring gear is in check. We love the great outdoors just as much as anyone, and we are especially excited to enter the spring and summer seasons and all the opportunities those seasons bring here in Idaho, and, along with it, RV season. 

At ASAP Septic, we value serving our friends and neighbors, and our sewer and septic knowledge includes RV septic care. These systems do come with the potential for health hazards because of the biohazardous waste involved, so it’s a subject that we take very seriously to maintain the health and safety of our clients. Today, we’ll be sharing ten tips for dumping an RV septic tank: 

  1. If you are dumping both your gray and black water, dumping the black water first allows you to use the gray water to flush any residual debris from the hose. Gray water includes water used in your sink and shower, while black water includes sewage from your toilet system. By getting rid of black water first, you can effectively rinse out your hose with water that isn’t a hazard. 

  2. When you’re hooked up at a campsite, make sure to leave the black-water tank valve closed. Otherwise, liquids will drain and leave solid waste to dry and harden on the bottom of your tank, which makes it significantly more difficult to clean. This seemingly simple step can save you from dealing with an unpleasant situation!

  3. Always dump your black water tank when it’s two thirds to three quarters full. Reaching the fill line of a black water tank is not a line you want to flirt with; always dump your tank before you are approaching the tank’s capacity. Overfilling your tank can lead to a septic disaster, and the last thing you want is raw sewage in your RV! 

  4. Your freshwater hose should never get anywhere near your tanks, sewer hoses, or the dump station. Even a slight splash or careless contact could lead to contamination, and bacteria often thrives in moist conditions. Your freshwater hose should always be kept far from any contaminated equipment. 

  5. Dump stations don’t always have a hose for rinsing, so be sure to carry a second hose. Rinsing your equipment will keep it from getting gunked up, and dump stations may not have a hose for rinsing, so having one on hand will allow you to rinse out your equipment at every opportunity. 

  6. Your camper’s septic hoses should be stored in a place that is very separate from your drinking water hose. There is potential for contamination if they are in proximity to each other, and getting hoses mixed up could have disastrous consequences. 

  7. Latex gloves are an excellent tool to use, as they can be thrown out immediately after use. Be cautious when removing them to avoid touching the outer surface, as they harbor biohazardous materials. Keeping a box of gloves in your RV is generally a good idea, and many people find them usefu in many situations!

  8. If other patrons are waiting to use the dump station, skip the hose rinsing and tank flushing, as these are not strictly necessary. Additionally, pull away from the station before adding water and chemicals to your holding tanks as a courtesy to others. Dump stations can get busy in popular areas, so being courteous to other campers can keep things running smoothly and cut down on long lines. 

  9. Only dump holding tank contents at the dump station. Dump stations are not equipped to handle any other garbage or debris, and dumping anything else may cause issues. 

  10. Ensure that the dump station is at least as clean as it was when you arrived. If possible, leave it cleaner. 

At ASAP Septic, we are eager to serve our clients in whatever way we can, and we are excited to share our earned expertise with as many people as possible. We recognize that sewer and septic experts can be difficult to come by, and we love to share our knowledge with anyone who needs it, especially our friends and neighborhoods here in southern Idaho. We serve Boise, Middleton, Mountain Home, Lowman, Kuna, Garden Valley, Caldwell, Meridian, Payette, ID, and all surrounding areas.

Give us a call at (208) 991-7184 or fill out our online contact form for more information or to schedule a consultation today.


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