Lift Stations: What Are They, and Why Are They Important?

The lift station is the workhorse of a sewage system: without them, most sewage systems would backup and fail, causing catastrophic health and sanitation hazards. But, your average American doesn't know what a lift station is, much less the role it plays in maintaining sanitation and health in the United States. 

What is a Lift Station? 
In short, a lift station is a system that moves wastewater or sewage from a low elevation to a higher elevation. In layman's terms, it's the thing that allows us to transport sewage from our homes and businesses to a wastewater treatment plant. It's an underground mechanical system that's connected to the sewer network. 

Lift stations are composed of a wastewater receiving well, motors, a power supply system, submersible pumps, pipes and valves, an odor control system, and a control and alarm system. They are typically located underground because of the potential health risks, as sewage contains bacteria and other biological hazards, and stored sewage can release poisonous gases like hydrogen sulfide and methane. 

How Does a Lift Station Work?
Sewage is transported by an underground network of pipes to be stored in a large pit. A sensor in the pit detects when the wastewater reaches a certain level, which then activates the submersible pump and power source to pump the sewage out towards the treatment plant. This keeps our sewage system running smoothly; local lift stations are often the reason we have reasonable sanitary standards. 

Obviously, lift stations play an enormous role in human health within our communities. Lift stations also reduce the initial construction costs in our community. Without lift stations, we would be forced to rely on gravity to direct wastewater and sewage to treatment plants, requiring us to excavate 10+ feet to install sewer lines all over our communities. 

ASAP Septic services all residential and commercial sewage lift systems in Kuna, Cascade, Featherville, Idaho City, and throughout southwest Idaho. We inspect pumps and wash out tanks to make sure there is no scum left inside that could harm these expensive and important pumps. Our services play a critical role in managing wastewater and sewage and keeping septic systems running properly. Any problems with a lift system, including broken or damaged pumps, leaves potential for major problems, including health hazards. This is why regular lift station servicing is so important. Although it's not something most people ever think about, we are passionate about keeping our communities clean and healthy through our services. 

For more information about our services in Boise, Mountain Home, Payette, and all surrounding areas, give us a call at (208) 991-7184 or fill out our online contact form


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