Your Septic System and the Environment in Boise, ID

An aspect of owning a residential or commercial property with a septic tank that many potential owners don't realize is that properly maintained septic systems are extremely environmentally friendly! If being green and caring for our planet is a priority, consider installing a septic tank. Septic tanks have many advantages, including: 

  • affordability--even considering the cost of septic system design, installation, and maintenance, having a septic system is actually cheaper than being on the public sewage line!
  • durability--septic tanks are built to last, and, if properly maintained, can last up to 50 years!

Additionally, because of the way a septic system works, it's an eco-friendly option. Here are a few reasons septic systems better serve our ecosystems: 

The elimination of waste. Septic tanks are a bacterial playground, where anaerobic metabolic processes are happening like crazy! The microbial ecosystem inside of a septic tank breaks wastes down, compacting them to create more space for other wastes. This is the primary reason you only need to pump your tank every 2-5 years, depending on usage: those bacteria are working for you, 24/7, and that breakdown eliminates a significant amount of waste! 

Naturally filtered wastewater. The leach or drain field of a septic system allows water to seep back into the ground. As this wastewater trickles through the layers of soil and rock, it is naturally filtered and purified. By the time it reaches the water table, the water has been naturally cleaned! This is an amazing process, and allows water to re-enter the water cycle without the use of harsh chemicals. It also aids to naturally replenish the water table. 

Good for surrounding vegetation and wildlife. Especially in rural areas where public sewage systems don't reach, installing miles of pipes can add up to disturb a significant amount of land. In contrast, installing a septic system disturbs a much smaller area, and allows indigenous plants and wildlife to flourish undisturbed. 

At the end of the day, when it comes to ecological impact, a septic system is definitely the better option. However, dealing with biological waste is always an area in which a team of experts will serve you well. A poorly installed or constructed septic system can lead to far greater issues within a few years, and where biological waste is concerned, that can quickly cause health and safety hazards. At ASAP Septic, we utilize our years of expertise to best serve our clients and keep things running smoothly. Fill out our online contact form or give us a call at (208) 991-7184 with any questions or for more information today!


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