Winter Septic System Tips in Boise, Idaho

Boise, Idaho's cold and snow can add a lot of stress to your home septic system. When it comes to septic tank care and maintenance, it is important to follow these steps before the colder months come to avoid having to do a big septic tank repair in the dead of winter.

  1. Schedule Septic System Repair Before Winter

Ideally, it's a good idea to schedule septic system maintenance and repair before it gets too cold. It is much more difficult, time considering and expensive to dig through frozen ground to do septic    tank maintenance. However, it is also possible to install a riser, which essential creates an above    ground access point to make septic tank care and maintenance that much easier. 

  1. Avoid New Septic System Pressure

With winter comes snowfall, more compact soil and therefore more pressure on your septic system. This can lead to a number of problems, like the septic tank freezing, not being able to drain, and    bursting pipes. You can avoid these septic system maintenance issues by first keeping the septic drain field cleared from snow as often as possible. It's also necessary to avoid driving over the drain field area. Aerating your soil can also relieve some of the built up pressure caused by packed snow as well. 

  1. Avoid Bursting Septic Pipes

Snow and frost can do quite a bit of damage on a new or old septic system. Not only can the frost freeze, expand and eventually burst the pipes leading to the septic tank, but the cold can also slow down the healthy bacteria in your tank,making it harder for the septic system to break down materials.  This could cause the septic system to overflow into your drain field or even your house. To avoid an emergency septic system repair like this, insulate your septic  system with think like straw, dirt and even an old blanket during the colder months. Remember to run water and use your tank daily to keep the pipes from clogging or freezing over. If you are gone for the holidays, be sure to ask your house sitter to run the water for at least 5 minutes to make sure the line stays warm.

Let ASAP Septic Service help you with these preventative measures. Call us today at (208) 991-7184 to set an appointment for septic tank pumping, cleaning or maintenance before the winter hits. 


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