What Happens To Your Septic System During Heavy Rain?

With spring and summer comes the rainy season, which means that your septic system could stop working. When heavy rain comes, the excessive rainwater will saturate the ground, leaving your septic tank with no available space to drain because the drain field is already flooded. This can leave you with a lot of problems, including a clogged septic system, septic flooding in the basement of your home or business, and even raw sewage leakage onto your property. Some signs to look out for include:

  1. Pooling water: This is a clear sign that the drain field of your septic tank is oversaturated. 

  2. Noises from drains: You could be hearing your septic tank bubbling after the heavy rain.

  3. Slow drains: This could indicate that there is a clog in your septic system.

The first thing you need to do if you see any of these signs is to call a professional to do a septic system inspection. ASAP Septic Service offers 24 hour emergency septic services - so we can fix your problem quickly! Besides doing septic system repair, we will also check your septic system to make sure it is clear of any debris that was washed in with the rain to prevent future issues!

That being said, there are other things that you can do for septic tank maintenance to prevent big problems coming with the rain. The best possible thing you can do is to keep your septic system in tip top shape. You can do this by getting a regular septic cleaning and inspections done every 2-5 years. It is also a good idea to avoid driving on the drain field (since this will compact the soil and therefore decrease absorbency).  Try to redirect any other water that is flowing directly into or near your drain field area - this includes making sure that no gutter spouts fall onto the area. With professional and DIY maintenance that is done regularly, your septic system should be able to withstand most rainfalls. If not, don’t hesitate to call ASAP Septic Service - we’ll get your septic system healthy again in no time!


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