Summer Septic System Maintenance Tips

While summer is the season for you and your family to relax a little, it is also the season that your septic tank has to work double time. Frequent play and visitors means extra laundry and more water usage. It doesn’t help that it is also the rainy season! This means that your residential or commercial septic system is under a lot of stress. To prevent the need for a septic system repair, here are a few tips to avoid septic tank problems:

  1. Conserve Water: A septic tank can only hold so much water at a time, so it is important to conserve water where you can. If too much water gets in, the septic tank could overflow in your house. Repairing or replacing leaky faucets and toilets can be a good start with water conservation. It’s also a good idea to avoid washing all of your laundry on the same day - this can give your septic system a chance to rest and drain. 

  2. Schedule Regular Septic Tank Care and Maintenance: Typically we recommend that you get a septic system cleaning and pumping done by a professional every 2-5 years. This will help eliminate build up and reduce the chance of wastewater or sewage leaking out onto your property. 

  3. Create a No-Flush List: Let your family members or house guests know that certain items cannot be flushed down the toilet, including but not limited to: grease, cat litter, facial tissue, feminine products, coffee grounds and plastic. 

  4. Watch Out for Trees: As part of your septic drain field maintenance, make sure all trees are at least 30 feet from your septic tank and drain field. Roots can easily ruin your drain field and even crack your septic tank! Need help finding where your septic tank is located? Call us here at ASAP Septic Services - we can help with that and your other septic system needs! 

Following these tips can help you avoid a major septic system repair and keep your house or business running smoothly throughout the summer!


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