Three Common Myths About Septic Systems in Boise, ID

There are many people who don’t know too much about septic systems. That’s okay! In fact, it’s perfectly normal. That’s why our team of experts at ASAP Septic are eager and ready to share our expertise. Although septic systems keep things running smoothly in our society, they’re not exactly a hot topic of conversation, and there is some misinformation out there that can leave a homeowner new to septic systems scratching their head. Today, we’ll be discussing--and dispelling--three common myths about septic systems. We hope that as we debunk these myths together, that we’ll be able to educate the public and serve our friends and neighbors in southeast Idaho through the expertise we have gained through decades in business. Myth One: Septic Systems Need Additives For some reason, there is a circulating myth that homeowners need to add products like enzymes or bacteria to their septic tank to help it function properly. Let’s face it, septic tanks are unpleasant to think about, and th...