7 Tips for Water Conservation for a Septic System in Boise, ID

As we approach summer here in Boise, Idaho, more and more of our friends and neighbors are enjoying summertime activities using water, such as irrigating their properties, water balloon fights, water tables, filling up the kiddie pool, and more. We are excited to take kids to splash pads or play in outdoor pools or in ponds and the river--once the excess runoff settles down, of course. As with anything related to water, our team of experts at ASAP Septic is eager to share some summertime tips for property owners who manage a septic system. Considering water when you have a septic system is an important part of the regular maintenance to keep your system at optimal functionality, and to avoid costly issues that may need expensive repairs in the future. Prevention is key, and water conservation and wise usage can make a world of difference. Today, we’ll be sharing seven tips for water conservation: Tip #1: Fix Leaks Properly Check for and repair any leaks in your faucets, toi...