You Have A Septic System, and Were Prescribed a Medication. Now What?
Over two decades ago, the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) released guidelines for the disposal of medications; before that, flushing unused medications down the toilet was common practice. These practices put harmful chemicals into the environment and, as an unexpected outcome, encouraged the growth of antibiotic resistant bacteria, which is an increasingly prevalent problem in healthcare today. Our bodies don't use up every last bit of medication we take; just like the food we eat, a portion of it is excreted through waste. Recent estimates indicate that up to 10% of medicines are eliminated from the body in this way, and that can impact your septic system. Medication and the Septic System Your septic system houses wastewater, food scraps, debris from showers, and human waste. If you or a member of your household is medicated, a tiny portion of that medication will end up in your septic tank. While it doesn't seem like a lot, this small bit of medicine can greatly impact ...